How cloud-based business phones are changing the game in Australia

Business communication is in a state of flux and many businesses are changing the way they communicate with colleagues, customers, and stakeholders. Companies no longer rely on analogue phones with complex on-premise phone systems. Cloud-based business phone systems are taking centre stage and changing the game for Australian businesses.

This shift towards a cloud-based communication platform isn’t a passing trend. It’s a fundamental change that many businesses are turning to, leaving their traditional counterparts behind. From improved flexibility to better cost savings, cloud-based phones are leveraging the latest technology to help businesses stay competitive in the growing digital marketplace.

But how are these phone systems making this a possibility for your local enterprise?


1. Enhanced flexibility and mobility


Flexibility and mobility are perhaps the most significant advantages offered by cloud-based phones. This has taken on renewed interest, especially with the rise in remote workers over the past few years.

Remote work enablement

Cloud-based phones play an important role in the shift to remote work. According to data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 37% of Australians worked from home at least once during the week in 2023. With the right infrastructure being of critical importance, cloud-based solutions allow these employees to connect and communicate from anywhere in the world with a simple internet connection, ensuring that your business and employees can function regardless of their physical location.

Mobile integration

The integration with mobile devices is another game-changer for cloud-based business phones. Your employees can be reached on their business numbers from tablets, smartphones, or laptops, making on-the-go connectivity a possibility. This type of mobile integration has shown promise with 67% of mobile workers stating they had an increase in productivity and their ability to solve problems.

Unified communications

Cloud-based systems come equipped with unified communication platforms that combine voice, video, and messaging tools in a single interface. This integration facilitates better collaboration and efficiency, allowing your teams to switch between different modes of communication based on their business’s unique communication needs.


2. Cost efficiency and scalability


The financial benefits of cloud-based phones are substantial and lend to their overall attractiveness for businesses looking to optimise their communication costs.

Reduced infrastructure costs

Traditional phone systems need a lot of upfront investment, whether it’s hardware or ongoing maintenance costs. Cloud-based solutions eliminate the need for expensive infrastructure that can lead to substantial cost savings.

The figures also confirm this with 30% to 50% savings reported as a business’s average savings after switching to cloud-based communication systems.

Subscription models

Cloud-based phones come with subscription plans that allow your business to select the package that suits your communication needs and budget. This is especially important for small and medium businesses that may have fluctuating communication needs. For instance, if you have a seasonal business that has a surge in communication during a specific time of the year, you can increase your phone lines and reduce them once the demand subsides.

For companies that operate under these conditions, adding and removing users can be easily done without the need for expensive and complex changes in their communication infrastructure.

Lower communication costs

By leveraging internet connectivity for calls, cloud-based systems can significantly reduce your call charges, especially when it comes to long-distance and international calls—an important element of communication if your business has operations outside of Australia.

Small businesses can save up to 90% on international calls by switching to cloud-based phones which can be a great option for your business that has teams and operations dispersed around the world.


3. Advanced features and integration


Cloud-based business phone systems are feature-rich and bring a lot to the table, especially if your business wants to incorporate the latest capabilities and improve efficiency.

Smart call routing

Intelligent call routing and personal assistant features make sure that your calls are directed to the right person or department, even if your staff are working remotely. This is a great way to boost your customer experience and increase the efficiency of internal communications.

CRM integration

Many cloud-based phones come with CRM integration capabilities and can even integrate with your existing productivity suites like Microsoft Drive. These integrations offer a more personalised and efficient customer experience as staff can access customer details and call history in real time during conversations.

The game-changer here is that you no longer need to spend time looking for this information manually and wasting valuable time in the process. With the right integrations, the information you need is readily available and customers don’t have to ensure long call wait times.

Analytics and reporting

Advanced analytics and reporting offer valuable insights into call patterns, employee performance, and customer satisfaction. These data-driven insights can help businesses make informed decisions about resource allocation, training needs, and customer service improvements.


4. Reliability and security


Cost efficiency and flexibility are clear advantages in the minds of many businesses, however, reliability and security are also equally important, especially if your business handles confidential information over the phone.

High uptime and reliability

Cloud-based phones typically offer comprehensive SLAs that address availability and uptime. Many providers can also implement redundancy measures that ensure that if the data centre is experiencing issues, the service will remain uninterrupted, however, it’s important to speak to the provider about the exact assurances they offer as they can change from one provider to another.

Data security

Security is an important consideration when selecting cloud-based business phone providers. They implement many layers of security measures including secure data centres, data encryption, and regular security audits. The effectiveness of these measures is reflected in the fact that 94% of companies report having better security after switching to cloud-based communication solutions.

Disaster recovery

Cloud-based phones come with built-in disaster recovery features which come into play in the event of a power outage or natural disaster. Businesses have the option of rerouting calls to mobile devices or alternate locations, ensuring business continuity.


Cloud-based business phones—changing the game for Australian businesses


As we’ve seen, cloud-based phones are indeed changing the game with their powerful combination of cost-efficiency, flexibility, and advanced features that traditional phones just cannot match.

As more and more organisations recognise these benefits, the switch to cloud-based platforms is likely to see an acceleration, perhaps transforming the Australian business landscape permanently.




Are cloud-based phones suitable for small businesses?

Yes, cloud-based phones are excellent for small businesses. They offer advanced features without the need for significant upfront investment in hardware. The scalability of these systems also means small businesses can start with what they need and easily expand as they grow.


Can I keep my existing phone numbers when switching to a cloud-based system?

Yes, in most cases you can port your existing phone numbers to a cloud-based system. This process, known as number porting, allows you to maintain continuity in your business communications while benefiting from the features of a cloud-based system.


What kind of internet connection do I need for a cloud-based phone system?

While cloud-based business phones can work with most broadband internet connections, a stable and fast connection is recommended for optimal performance. Fibre or cable connections typically work well. It's also important to ensure sufficient bandwidth, especially if you'll be making many simultaneous calls or using video conferencing features.


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