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Choosing the best phone system for a small law office

Discover how to enhance internal and client communications with the best phone system for a small law office.

According to a recent study, 50% of customers reported dissatisfaction with the service they received due to poor communication. While many factors can determine the quality of communication, one of the most important factors is accessibility to lawyers and their teams.


Since you or your team of lawyers will be attending court proceedings, researching about cases or documenting active cases, it can be difficult to attend all client calls. But what if there is a modern phone system that can help you handle increased call volumes while also reducing communication costs? This is what the best phone systems for a small law firm can do for your business.


But, the problem is the VoIP business phone market is full of options, so choosing the best phone system for a small law office can be challenging.



How to choose the best phone system
for a small law office?

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Consider the cost

While cloud phone systems can reduce telephone costs—businesses with 30 or fewer users can save about $1,200/month—it’s important to consider the various options and their cost of ownership—not just price. Choose a phone system that has a perfect balance between cost and features—this may not always be the cheapest option.

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Analyse the scalability

It’s safe to assume that your law practice will grow as you become more successful—this means that your communication requirements will also increase as you scale up. The best phone systems for small law firms will give you the option to seamlessly add new lines and users as you scale up without buying physical handsets.


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Make sure number porting is available

Building a network is one of the hardest things to do in business and industries like law rely heavily on these connections. So, you must have a consistent and safe way for your connections and clients to contact you. This is why you should look for cloud-based business phone systems that offer easy number porting features.

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Look for advanced call management

Most modern cloud-based phone systems offer intelligent call forwarding, call routing and queue management features. This ensures that the call reaches the right person in your team at the right time, allowing your team to give potential clients a good experience that may convince them to choose your legal services.

What are the most helpful cloud phone system integrations law firms can leverage?

Practice management software

If you’re using any practice management tools like Clio, PracticePanter or Zola, you may be able to integrate these systems with your cloud phone system.

Video conferencing platforms

This is one of the most important features many businesses use and modern VoIP systems offer integrations with the leading video conferencing platforms.

CRM software

Integrate leading CRM software like Salesforce or HubSpot with ease and streamline client data management to give your customers a positive experience.

Document management platforms

Improve collaboration within your team by integrating document management tools like Dropbox and Google Drive with your law firm’s VoIP phone system.

Accounting software

You can simplify the accounting and invoicing process by integrating tools like Quickbooks and Xero, improving efficiency and reducing manual errors.

Improve your communication with the best phone system for a small law office

At Uniden, we offer tailored phone systems with VoIP for law firms, allowing you and your teams to communicate efficiently with your clients and within the team. 


That’s not all, with 40+ advanced features, you can have a plethora of tools that will help you enrich your communication channels.



Upgrade to a VoIP phone system and
unlock efficient communication

Get in touch with our team to explore our business phone system options for your law firm.

Frequently asked questions

1. What are the benefits of cloud-based phone systems for small law firms?

Cloud-based phone systems offer several benefits for small law firms, including cost savings, increased flexibility, and enhanced security. They allow for remote access to phone systems, making it easier for lawyers to work from anywhere and stay connected with clients. Additionally, cloud-based systems provide automatic software updates, reducing the need for IT support and maintenance.

2. How do cloud phone systems ensure the security and confidentiality of client communications?

Cloud phone systems prioritise the security and confidentiality of client communications by using advanced encryption technologies, such as Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) and Transport Layer Security (TLS). These technologies ensure that all communications are encrypted and protected from unauthorised access. Additionally, cloud phone systems often have strict access controls, such as multi-factor authentication, to prevent unauthorised access to the system.

3. Can cloud phone systems integrate with existing software and tools used by small law firms?

Yes, cloud phone systems can integrate with a wide range of software and tools used by small law firms. Many cloud phone systems offer APIs and integrations with popular legal practice management software. This allows lawyers to access and manage their phone systems alongside their existing workflow tools.

4. How do cloud phone systems handle call forwarding and voicemail-to-email?

Cloud phone systems typically offer advanced call forwarding and voicemail-to-email features. These features allow lawyers to forward calls to other numbers or devices, and receive voicemails as emails or audio files. This enables lawyers to stay connected with clients and manage their communications more efficiently, even when they are away from the office.

5. What are the typical costs associated with cloud phone systems for small law firms?

The costs associated with cloud phone systems for small law firms vary depending on the provider and the specific features and services required. However, cloud phone systems often offer transparent pricing structures, with costs typically ranging from $10 to $50 per user per month. This can be a big cost saving compared to traditional phone systems, which require significant upfront investments in hardware and maintenance.

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