Cloud based phone system Australia

Experience frictionless business communicationwith a cloud-based phone system in Australia

Discover how you can elevate the potential of your business with a cloud-based phone system that connects your team and enables you to deliver exceptional customer service.

Businesses big and small are always looking for ways to improve their operations, boost efficiency and increase productivity and profitability you might also be in this situation right now. While many solutions have been adopted to achieve this objective, one of the main things that still hold many businesses back from getting there is communication.

In the modern business landscape, transparent and effective communication is everything. Whether it's communicating with your employees or customers, having good communication skills and the platforms to facilitate this will make or break your business.

While many SMEs in Australia have long used legacy phone systems and landlines, it’s no longer the most effective way to communicate nor is it adequate to support the modern communication standards—that’s where cloud-based phone systems in Australia come into the picture.


What are the benefits of a cloud-based phone system in Australia?

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Scalability and flexibility

As your business grows, it’s essential to add more phone lines to handle the increasing number of customer calls and to ensure that internal communication doesn’t pose a bottleneck. A cloud-based business phone system makes adding phone lines easier by allowing you to get more lines without the need for costly hardware updates. You can also scale down according to that requirement.

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Cost savings

Maintaining and upgrading hardware components of a business phone system and footing the bill for on-premise solutions can end up incurring a significant cost for many small and medium-scale businesses. But with many cloud phone systems, can beat the cost of traditional phone systems and they don’t require regular upgrades, delivering significant cost savings for your business.

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Mobility and remote access

What if your employees can stay connected to your businesses regardless of where they are without having to come into the office? This is what a cloud-based phone system enables for your business. Your employees can stay connected using their desktop, laptop, or mobile device, ensuring seamless communication regardless of location. This improves productivity in your business.

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Advanced features

Some of the leading cloud business phone providers offer customers a wide range of advanced features. Your team can enjoy a suite of powerful features, such as auto-attendants, call forwarding, voicemail-to-email transcription, and video conferencing. These advanced cloud features will ensure that you don’t miss any calls from customers, enhancing productivity and customer service.

How to integrate a cloud-based business phone system into your workflows?

Assess your business needs

Evaluate your current communication requirements, future growth plans, and desired features to select the right cloud-based solution.

Choose a reputable provider

Research and compare Australian providers offering cloud-based phone systems that are tailored to businesses of your size and industry.

Migrate your data

Work with the provider to seamlessly migrate your existing phone numbers, contacts, and other relevant data to the new cloud-based system.

Train your team

Provide comprehensive training to your employees, ensuring they understand and can fully leverage the capabilities of the new system.

Continuous support

Select a provider that offers ongoing technical support and regular software updates, ensuring your system remains up-to-date and optimised.

Join the cloud revolution and stay ahead of the competition

At Uniden Voice Over Cloud, we offer you the opportunity to join Australia’s smartest business phone system.

By integrating our cloud-based phone system in Australia, your business can enjoy increased efficiency, improved customer service, and a competitive edge in the marketplace. Embrace the future of business communications and take the first step towards a more connected and productive organisation.


Ready to transform your
business communications?

Contact us today to learn more about our cloud-based phone system solutions tailored for Australian businesses.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the difference between a cloud-based phone system and a traditional phone system?

A traditional phone system relies on physical hardware and landlines, while a cloud-based phone system uses the internet to make and receive calls. This means you can access your phone system from anywhere with an internet connection, not just from a specific physical location.

2. How secure is a cloud-based phone system?

Cloud-based phone systems use advanced encryption technologies to ensure your calls and data are secure. Additionally, reputable providers will have robust security measures in place to protect your data from cyber threats.

3. Can I keep my existing phone numbers when switching to a cloud-based phone system?

Yes, most cloud-based phone system providers in Australia offer a service known as number porting, which allows you to keep your existing phone numbers when you switch to their system.

4. What happens if my internet connection goes down?

Most cloud-based phone systems have failover measures in place to ensure that you can still make and receive calls even if your internet connection goes down. This could involve forwarding calls to a mobile device or another landline.

5. How quickly can I get a cloud-based phone system up and running for my business?

The time it takes to set up a cloud-based phone system can vary depending on your business’s specific needs. However, because there’s no physical hardware to install, the process is usually quicker than setting up a traditional phone system. Your provider will be able to give you a more accurate timeline.

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