Small business telephone systems

Optimise business communication with small business telephone systems

Streamlining business communications in your Australian SME is easier than ever with cloud-based business phone systems that can be tailored to your unique needs.

Did you know that 71% of customers prefer to contact a small business via telephone? Or that 67% of employees find it easier to use a VoIP phone for communication?


Businesses of all sizes need communication, but for SMEs, communication may have a far more significant impact because every single customer plays a vital role in the business’s success. With many customers preferring telephone conversations, it’s important to make sure that your phone system can handle any type of communication requirement—something traditional phones simply cannot.


While you may think that cloud-based business phone systems are reserved for big corporations, the truth is that your SME can now access these same cutting-edge communication solutions, tailor them to your unique business needs, and take advantage of systems that can offer your business much more.


By customising small business telephone systems, your Australian SME can enhance communications and empower your business to stay ahead of the curve. Let’s explore.

contact a small business via telephone

Tailoring your business communications for Australian SMEs with small business telephone systems

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Advance call management

If you’re having trouble with your business communications, an effective call management solution could be a great option. For small businesses that want to improve their customer communications, having features like call recording, call queuing, and interactive voice response systems can offer a better way to handle incoming calls efficiently and improve customer satisfaction by reducing call wait times.

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Scalable phone systems

As a small business, you’re always looking to grow and scale your business without spending too much. Cloud-based telephone systems solve this problem by putting you on a monthly subscription and giving you the option of adding or removing phone lines without hassle. Plus, without any huge upfront investments or ongoing maintenance costs, you can minimise your overall expenditure and manage operational costs.

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Seamless integrations

A truly tailored small business telephone system should be able to integrate with your existing systems without causing any problems, downtimes, or setbacks. They should seamlessly integrate with your CRM, collaboration platforms, and any project management software. Many businesses hesitate to adopt cloud-based business phones because they think it will change how their business operates, but that isn’t true.

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Customisable features

Every SME has its own communication issues and having customisable features to bridge those gaps can be an asset. From call routing to voicemail-to-email and video conferencing, you can access many features that align with your communication needs and ensure that the solutions work for you. These features can not only drive productivity for your employees but also offer a great experience for your customers.

Cloud-based phone system features that add value to SMEs

Virtual assistants

Professional call handling is made easy with automated call routing and voice menus designed for efficient customer service.

Call forwarding

Never miss an important call when your small business phone system has the ability to forward calls to any device or location.

Call queuing

Reduce your customer’s wait times and dissatisfaction by efficiently managing calls with customisable queues and holding music.

Video conferencing

You can easily collaborate with clients, colleagues, or any other party through high-quality video conferencing capabilities.


Get voicemails as text transcripts delivered directly to your email inbox for better call management and convenient access.

Tailored business communication solutions for SMEs with Uniden

Uniden has become a trusted partner for small to medium-sized Australian businesses that want telephone systems that are tailored to their unique needs. Providing Australia’s smartest cloud-based business phone system, Uniden supports businesses that want to optimise their communication infrastructure.

With a dedicated team of experts, we help you integrate small business telephone systems into their existing businesses for a future-ready communication option.


Transform your Australian SME
with Uniden

It’s time to streamline communication, enhance productivity, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Reach out to us today.

Frequently asked questions

1. Can small phone systems handle high call volumes?

Yes, modern telephone systems are designed to handle high call volumes efficiently. Features like call queuing, IVR systems, and automated attendants ensure that incoming calls are managed effectively, reducing wait times and providing a positive customer experience.

2. Is there a big learning curve for implementing a new telephone system?

Most reputable providers offer comprehensive training and support to ensure a smooth implementation and adoption process. User-friendly interfaces and intuitive features minimise the learning curve, allowing businesses to quickly leverage the full capabilities of their new telephone system.

3. Can telephone systems record calls for training or compliance purposes?

Yes, many cloud-based telephone systems include call recording capabilities, which can be an asset for training, quality assurance, and compliance purposes. Call recordings can be accessed and reviewed as needed, providing valuable insights and ensuring adherence to industry regulations.

4. How easy is it to scale a cloud-based phone system as my business grows?

One of the key advantages of cloud-based small business telephone systems is their scalability. As your business expands or downsizes, you can easily add or remove extensions, features, and services without the need for costly hardware upgrades or infrastructure changes.

5. Can cloud-based phone systems support multiple locations or branch offices?

Yes, cloud-based phone systems are designed to support multiple locations and branch offices seamlessly. With features like extension dialling, call transferring, and unified communications, employees can communicate efficiently across different sites, fostering collaboration and productivity.

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