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How have PBX business phone systems evolved?

Discover how PBX solutions have evolved, how they have transformed business communications and learn the benefits of modern PBX phone systems.

Many people in the older generation may remember the Public Switched Telephone Network or PSTN landline phones from the past—the bulky, often yellowed business phone systems that allowed businesses to communicate. While many current-generation business owners may not know about these systems, these were the first iteration of the Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems. 


As technology has advanced, so too have the communication needs and expectations of Australian enterprises and the PSTN phones have given way to the sleeker, often cloud-based PBX systems today.


Modern PBX business phone systems blend traditional PBX functionality with internet protocols, offering greater flexibility, mobility, and advanced call management features. In addition, the emergence of cloud-based virtual and hosted PBX solutions has eliminated the need for expensive on-site hardware, making enterprise-grade phone systems accessible to businesses of all sizes—this is evident in the fact that 61% of companies in Australia have already transitioned to VoIP-based phone systems.


What are the benefits of modern PBX business phone systems for Australian businesses?

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Improved productivity

By streamlining internal and external communication, PBX systems can boost your team’s productivity. Studies have shown that companies using advanced PBX features report a 22% increase in productivity.

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Enhanced customer service

Sophisticated call management tools, such as intelligent call routing, queue management, and activity monitoring, enable your business to provide a more personalised and efficient customer experience.


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Scalability and flexibility

As your business grows, its communication needs to evolve. PBX systems, particularly cloud-based solutions, offer the scalability to easily add or remove users, lines, and features to meet new requirements.

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Better collaboration

Integrated PBX systems enable seamless communication and collaboration between employees, regardless of their location, through features like call transfers, presence indicators, and instant messaging.

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Cost savings

Compared to traditional on-premises PBX hardware, modern VoIP-based solutions can significantly reduce the overall cost of business phone systems. You can save between 30-75% in telephony costs.

What are the key features of the modern PBX business phone systems?

Efficient call management

Intelligent call routing, automated attendants, and call queuing ensure that incoming calls are directed to the right person or department every time.

Seamless call transfers

The ability to transfer calls between users and locations, both internally and externally, enhances the customer experience and improves efficiency.

Customisable hold music and greetings

Professional, personalised greetings, on-hold messages and hold music help to create a positive first impression and reinforce your brand identity.

Advanced call center tools

Features like call monitoring, whisper coaching, and real-time reporting enable businesses to optimise their communication and improve customer satisfaction.

Third-party integrations

PBX systems that seamlessly integrate with popular CRM, helpdesk, and productivity tools can provide a more unified and efficient work environment.

Mobility and remote work support

PBX systems can be accessed from anywhere, on any device, which is crucial in today's distributed workforce, allowing employees to stay connected.

Join Australia's smartest cloud PBX system with Uniden

Here at Uniden, we offer tailored cloud PBX solutions for Australian enterprises of all sizes. Enjoy class-leading features designed to enhance communication and collaboration, while reducing missed calls, high bills, and improving call quality.

Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, Uniden's cloud PBX system can streamline your operations, improve customer service, and keep you ahead of the competition.


Embrace PBX business phone systems and
transform your business communications

Contact us today to explore Uniden's cloud phone system for your business.

Frequently asked questions

1. What are the main types of PBX systems available for Australian enterprises?

The main types of PBX systems for Australian businesses are:

1. Traditional PBX


3. Virtual/Hosted PBX

4. Hybrid PBX

2. What are the benefits of cloud-based virtual/hosted PBX solutions?

Cloud-based virtual or hosted PBX solutions eliminate the need for on-site hardware, making enterprise-grade phone systems accessible to businesses of all sizes. These systems are typically more cost-effective and easier to manage.

3. How do hybrid PBX systems work?

Hybrid PBX systems integrate on-premises hardware with VoIP technology, providing a seamless transition from legacy systems while unlocking the benefits of modern communication features.

4. What factors should I consider when selecting a PBX system?

When choosing a PBX system, consider the following key factors:

  1. Cost (upfront and ongoing expenses)

  2. Support (reliable, localised support and onboarding)

  3. Flexibility (ability to adapt to changing business needs)

  4. Security (robust security features to protect sensitive data)

  5. Reliability (proven track record of uptime and service availability)

5. How do I assess my business requirements for a PBX system?

Assess your specific requirements, such as the size of your workforce, the distribution of your employees, and your overall communication needs and budget. Understanding your existing infrastructure and migration path is also crucial when transitioning to a new PBX system.

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