VoIP handsets in Australia

Transform the way you communicate with cloud PBX in Australia

Discover how you can enhance communication with advanced features, seamless integrations, and unparalleled reliability offered by cloud PBX solutions tailored for Australian businesses.

As a business owner in Australia, you may have seen that many of your competitors, suppliers and even partners have switched to cloud-based business phone systems. This is not uncommon in Australia, as a recent study found that 61% of Australian businesses have already migrated to cloud-based phone systems or intend to do so in the next 12 months.


This means that the cloud phone market is poised for remarkable growth. In fact, Yahoo Finance estimates a $12.3 billion value in 2022 and a projected expansion at a staggering CAGR of 13.69% until 2028, by which time the market is expected to reach $26.5 billion.


One of the reasons for this exponential growth is the advanced features offered by cloud PBX in Australia, especially third-party integrations and the ability to improve call flow efficiency.



What third-party integrations do
cloud PBX in Australia offer?

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CRM systems

If you’re using any of the popular CRM platforms like Salesforce, Zoho, and HubSpot, there’s a good chance that your cloud PBX provider supports the integration of these CRM systems into the PBX platform. This allows you to automatically sync customer data, click-to-call from within the CRM, and log call notes and recordings directly in the customer's record.

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Helpdesk and ticketing systems

Many modern cloud business phone systems can integrate with leading helpdesk and ticketing platforms, enabling businesses to route calls to the appropriate support team, create tickets from incoming calls, and access customer history. This way you can ensure that no client calls get missed in the call flow, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.


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Marketing automation platforms

Marketing automation tools have become a major part of the tech stack of many small businesses. With a cloud-based phone system, you can easily integrate these tools, allowing you to trigger marketing actions based on specific interactions between customers and leads, such as sending targeted emails or SMS messages to leads that have engaged with the sales team.

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Cloud storage and collaboration tools

Today, businesses have not only moved their communication to the cloud, but they also leverage it for storage and collaboration. You can easily integrate solutions like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Slack with your cloud phone implementation, enabling you to save call recordings and data to your cloud storage and receive notifications about important calls.

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Accounting and point-of-sale systems

Cloud PBX systems offer seamless integrations with popular accounting software like Xero and point-of-sale (POS) systems such as Lightspeed and Vend. You can sync customer data across platforms, providing valuable context during customer interactions. By always knowing who is calling, your teams can deliver personalised service, improving customer relationships.

How do cloud PBX solutions improve call flows?

Intelligent call queuing

Smart call queuing is essential for managing high call volumes effectively. By offering estimated wait times, voicemail options, and callbacks, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction. Routing calls to the most suitable agent based on skills and availability ensures efficient handling and personalised service, optimising the overall customer experience.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

IVR systems allow you to automate interactions with callers, providing menu options for directing calls to the appropriate department or offering self-service functionalities. By designing intuitive IVR menus, you can enhance customer experience, reduce wait times, and improve operational efficiency. You can also add personalised messages to greet callers.

Time-based routing

This feature enables you to customise call handling based on specific time parameters, such as the time of day, day of the week, or holidays. By setting up these rules within the system, calls can be routed differently during peak hours, after business hours, or on special occasions, which optimises resource allocation and ensures efficient call management.

Call recording

Call recording features allow you to capture and store conversations for quality assurance, training, compliance, and dispute resolution. By enabling call recording, you can review customer interactions to ensure service quality, identify training opportunities, and comply with regulations—enhancing customer satisfaction and operational effectiveness.

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Get in touch with our team to get tailored cloud PBX solutions for your business.

Frequently asked questions

1.What are the security features of cloud PBX systems in Australia?

Cloud PBX systems typically offer robust security features to protect business communications, such as end-to-end encryption, multi-factor authentication, and secure data storage. Providers also maintain strict compliance with industry regulations to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of customer data.

2. How do cloud PBX systems in Australia handle call quality and reliability?

Modern cloud PBX solutions are designed to deliver high-quality, reliable voice communications. They leverage redundant infrastructure, quality of service (QoS) optimisation, and advanced codecs to ensure crystal-clear call quality, even during peak usage. Cloud PBX providers also offer service level agreements (SLAs) to guarantee uptime and reliability.

3. What are the typical pricing models for cloud PBX in Australia?

Cloud PBX providers generally offer flexible, subscription-based pricing models. This can include per-user or per-extension monthly fees, with options to scale up or down as needed. Some providers also offer tiered pricing plans with different feature sets to suit the specific needs of businesses of various sizes.

4. How do cloud PBX systems in Australia support remote and hybrid work?

Cloud PBX solutions are well-suited to support remote and hybrid work arrangements. They enable employees to access the phone system from anywhere with an internet connection, using a range of devices such as desk phones, softphones, and mobile apps. This ensures seamless communication and collaboration, regardless of location.

5. What kind of customer support do cloud PBX providers in Australia offer?

Reputable cloud PBX providers typically offer comprehensive customer support, including 24/7 technical assistance, online resources, and dedicated account management. This ensures businesses can quickly resolve any issues and receive guidance on maximising the benefits of their cloud-based phone system.

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